do do do, la la la, blog blog blog. time for some water and time to start studying. peace.
i miss my friend, in the end i miss my friend. this is a friend that is not one person, this is not a friend who you can physically talk to, this is a friend that only existed because everything was aligned. everything worked together, hand and hand this friend was there, this friend was always able to fill the need, this friend could morph into whatever and would enjoy the ride. this friend would help and this friend always needed help. i enjoyed this friend, i enjoyed helping, communicating, and feeling needed.
nevermind, i am confused; time to go buy some black pants.
well a lot has happened in the last week, a lot of things that are quite progressive. things are changing but very slowly, i am moving out of summer mode and trying to get focused here. i start a new part time job tomorrow, which is just a temporary position for the next nine weeks. i am hoping this job will expose me to some other full time opportunity, but at the bare minimum i know that i will walk away with some new experience, which will definitely help me down the road. the hunt for full time is still in full force, and i have a few connections i still have to try to utilize. this is a tough process, and i am appreciating the help i am getting from a few good people. you people know who you are and i thank you tonnes!! well i am off to the office now to finish off this week. peace. velkr0.