it was that kind of morning…

this morning was an interesting morning, well i guess it wasn’t that interesting, but it was a good one… let me try to explain…

it was the kind of morning where… the coffee grinder produces the perfect texture and amount of coffee to create a brew that just tastes right.

it was the kind of morning where… your digital media player’s shuffle plays all good songs and in an optimal order.

it was the kind of morning where… it is bright and dry outside but with just enough of a chill in the air to make you feel fully refreshed.

it was the kind of morning where… you are able to stand comfortably on the bus, with ample room to let your messenger bag hang freely and have the ability to swap handrails at will.

it was the kind of morning where… you eventually notice that you have a little skip in your step and that makes you want to stand up even straighter.

it was that kind of morning…

festive plans

festive pops
Originally uploaded by velkr0.

so i’m heading home for christmas this year and i’m looking forward to the downtime and catching up with my family and all my old skool chums. i’m going to be spending plenty of time with my pops (well since i am not right now, while he lays in the hospital awaiting more tests) and with my grandpa, grandma, mom and sister. three weeks in onterrible is a long time, so i should be able to float around peacefully and chill out a lot. also going to be spending a lot of time with my friends as i usually do, but i think this time family is going to have a bit more priority… and well, ‘me time’ ranks right up there too…

that’s all for now, since thinking about xmas is really tough when it is sunny outside in vancouver in late november.

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