looks like Kalle Lasn is up to something good this time… looks like his magazine/foundation [Adbusters Media Foundation] is filing a lawsuit against the major Canadian broadcasters (even the CRTC) for the right to purchase air time on Canadian tv. this suit could have a huge impact on Canadian tv, by diminishing the control broadcasters have over ad content. basically right now… the ads you see are allowed because they support the beliefs of the corporations that own the tv stations. if the courts rule that Kalle can put his ads on… this would allow anyone [with enough money] to purchase air time.. and broadcast their message to the Canadian population…
for more info check out the CBC
the broadcasters (that are using public airways – so basically analog channels/nationwide networks) should not have the right to filter ad content… ad should simply be reviewed by the CRTC… (to filter out truly harmful message, those that hurt people not just profits)…
Kalle says it best: “Essentially, this is about free speech. In a democracy citizens should have equal right to access the public airwaves ? we own them. At the very least, we should be able to buy airtime under the same rules and conditions as corporate advertisers.
ok now i must go study for real…
[…] CanWest Global, CBC and CHUM… to allow adbusters to buy airtime… [see ‘our airways, our messages‘] so, do i participate in BND this year? eve […]