
well… i have always wondered when people would start to use RSS… it was a really good idea… and seemed quite useful… the problem was… you would have to use an RSS reader.. which would be able to browse the billions of headlines for all your favourite news sites/blogs… but when ever you wanted to get more than the headline (and very brief description), you would have to click it.. and view the page in your web browser… this was kinda cumbersome… kuz why wouldn?t you just use your web browser in the first place… and goto the sites you want to check the headlines of… so that why i never really used it… but with the new version of FireFox… it has a feature called ‘live bookmarks’… basically… FireFox has incorporated RSS into the bookmark.. meaning… you can check you headlines in your bookmarks.. and if you see one you like.. you simple click on it… its amazing… its probably the best way anyone could incorporate RSS…. it still has a few bugs… and should be easier to add live bookmarks… (some websites its easy, others not so… ) but yeah.. check it out if you get a chance… its worth it…

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