
over the next twenty-four hours my life will be a little different. from 12-noon sunday to 12-noon monday, i will be abstaining from alcohol and all-forms of online connectivity (including my VoIP, since i’ll need to unplug the modem to experience the full effect).

Who are you, and what have you done with Joe?

2005.07.31 7:51 pm


Come back !!!

2005.07.31 11:01 pm

have no fear; velkr0 is here!

2005.08.01 4:43 pm


now, u sound like a superhero !! what an impact absence has made

2005.08.03 1:44 am

well… actually it’s having the alcohol and the internet back that have given me the powers of a hero – i can conquer the world!!

2005.08.03 3:02 pm

Wing Dreamer

…I read somewhere that Vancouver has many drug addicts and alcoholics, is it because of the breath taking beauty of the land …or is it because people are pre-disposed either by genetics or through habitual behaviour.
…don’t superhero’s eat cryptinite?

2005.08.11 9:10 am

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