tiki girls

well, i watched ‘a guy thing’ for the 286th time… and it is still awesome.
only if i could meet julia stiles, and get her to do her tiki girl performance for me 🙂


no news

well.. no word from CBC yet, I guess they didn’t like my question. fuckers.

ohh well, i don’t really have much to say today…
lifes been pretty good lately, and i seem to be getting organized here…

i think its the fact grad is on tuesday… and i am all grown up now, for real.


Red and Grey and Grey!

Well here?s the new theme.
It?s red and grey and grey as you may be able to see.
I hope you like it, but feel free to leave your comments.

I have also set the official time of this site to EDT.
(hence the close time proximity to my last post 😛 )
This is mainly due to the fact UTC/GMT always confuses me.



Well I am trying to figure out how to ‘theme’ wordpress right now… I am the problem lies in the fact that I don’t want to edit code, I simply want to find a nice template and apply it…

so say tuned…


Hello All,

This is
The goal of this site is to express my thoughts, ideas, and concerns regarding all topics that interest me.

Some of these topics will be media issues, Canadian identity, voter apathy, the cult of mac, music, etc…

I look forward to using this site as an outlet for my brain, and I hope many of you can enjoy and engage in this content.

Kindest regards,

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