check out these cheques

so over the past few days.. a few exciting things have happened… such as me receiving a bunk warning from my landlord, and me strongly refuting it. in retrospect, my letter clearly negating her ability to effectly manage this property may have been a tad too vigorous, but i don’t feel bad, kuz if someone is going to try to unjustly strong-arm me, of course i will fire back with some elegant written rage. [if interested… follow the whole story here]

also, umm, umm.. i guess nothing else exciting has really happened, except that today i received some cheques for the first time ever!! i’ve managed my whole life to not buy any cheques and now in 2005, i have been forced to buy some… since my home branch is well 5000KM away and i can’t easily walk in and ask for one.. ohh well.. i guess i could have changed my home branch here, but it was just easier to order some cheques. any who.. keep it real homies.

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