one relatively [in]expensive tit

if you think back, way back in time, like i mean, way way back… back to february 1st 2004…. you may recall seeing an unusual event on your television screen… you may of seen a female breast exposed on american network television… and this tends to be a rare event… mainly because americans have stronger indecency rules than canadians (merely an observation of mine based on seeing tits on canadian tv)… and you know americans.. they get tough (or tuff) on crime… so guess what… viacom has now been fined for this ‘wardrobe malfunction’… that’s right… fined… viacom one of the worlds largest media conglomerates has been issued the largest penalty ever levied against a TV broadcaster… a whooping $550,000 US… all i can say is ‘big deal’… first of all.. it was just a tit… sure it was exposed during the most watched television event of the year… but hey it’s just a tit… also… do americans regulators think a fine.. the largest one ever.. will prevent this from happening again? hell no… viacom/CBS have a huge bankroll and received huge press… and plus.. who doesn’t like to see a tit…. ok fine… let’s focus here… let’s actually determine if viacom in simplest terms will suffer a loss due to the fine… here’s the math:

1 tit * 2 seconds = $550,000
cost per second = $275,00

1 superbowl commercial * 30 seconds = $2,250,000
revenue per second = $75,000

CBS only needed to sell commercial time for approximately 3.67 seconds to cover this fine.

i don’t have any stats on the number of commercials aired during the superbowl, or how much the NFL charged CBS for the rights, but you get my drift… $550,000 is small beans… and as a matter of fact so is janet’s tit.

the first step in becoming interesting

looks like i have now completed the revamp… looks pretty good.. and works in all good browsers (doesn’t work in opera 6 mac for sure though)… ie and firefox, on mac and pc.. work wonderfully… i have even made alternative stylesheets for you firefox users who find the writing on this site too small… you can easily switch between styles by clicking on the icon at the bottom right of your firefox browser (right beside the rss feed icon)….

now it is just time for this site to grow… i would like to see it become more writing based, it should still be kind of abstract as it tends to be now… but in the future i will aim for a more organized and purposeful web log… basically less whining and more insightful writing. i don’t want it to become too formal though… but rather more fun, interesting and ultimately thought provoking.

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