Final Warning

The warning received (retyped word-for-word (excluding personal names) from the paper copy – all bad grammar and formatting are included)

Aug. 8 2005.



It has been brought to your Resident Managers Attention that on or about the Date: July and Aug. 2005

A Breach of your Tenancy Agreement with Hollyburn Properties occurred. We have received complaints about you throwing things from your balcony dumping water from a mop bucket etc. is not acceptable. Please correct this problem immediately. See section 25. of your signed tenancy Agreement.
Sec 25 – OUTSIDE A rug, mop or duster must not be shaken out of a windows, door, or in a common area of the residential property. Nothing may be thrown or placed, hung on, or affixed to the inside or outside of a window, door, balcony or an exterior part of the residential property_Awning, antenna, satellite dish or wire must not be installed on the residential property. A barbeque must not be used on or in the rental unit or stored on a balcony without the prior written consent of the landlord.

See your copy of The Tenancy Agreement between you **** ****** and Hollyburn Properties. Section 25

If your actions continue we may be serve you with a Notice to End Tenancy.

Resident Managers

Then, I quickly replied with a formal letter (all properly formatted, on my sexy letterhead and all), with the following. (ohh btw mitch thanks for printing it for me)

August 9, 2005

*** *****
Resident Manager of **** **** **.
on behalf of Hollyburn Properties Ltd.
*** **th Street
West Vancouver, BC *** 3V5


This letter is to dispute a written warning issued and received on August 8th 2005.

To start, I’d like to confirm that I am thoroughly aware of all the terms outlined in the Tenancy Agreement signed June 13th 2005, and have consistently been in full compliance of all such terms. Incontrovertibly, this written warning I received has been accidentally misdirected to me and thus needs to be removed from my file. Now, I understand, at times, in a building this large it can be difficult to determine specific fault of many of the complaints received; however, to simply issue a written warning to a new, reliable and fully-adept tenant without an adequate investigation is absolutely preposterous and truly challenges my confidence in your ability to effectively manage this property.

My feelings on this are strong, since I too have been afflicted with excessive amounts of dripping water on my balcony (last occurring midday Saturday August 6th 2005). I suspect it is due to the over-watering of outdoor plants.

I do look forward to the prompt and professional resolution of this issue and if you have any questions or require any additional information at all, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Additionally, I do require written notification confirming the recall of the warning issued to me on August 8th, ideally without the need for arbitration.

Kindest regards,
*** ******

now, the email communication occurs with my landlord’s reply to my letter….

RE: Breach of Tenancy Agreement (section 25)

Please be advised that this warning was not just simply written, the person who filed the complaint informed us that he had spoken to you and wittnessed you dumping what they say is a bucket of mop water. When we receive such a complaint from another excellent tenant we must take action.I can understand your fustration and if this was misdirected I truly apologize and will remove the complaint from your file,as your letter clearly states that you are aware of the terms of your lease agreement.

Resident Manager of ******* *****
******** *****

And now my reply…

Hi ***,

Thanks for your prompt reply!

Just to let you know, the conversation between the other tenant and myself did not occur; he must have spoken with someone else and somewhere along the way the facts have become mixed up.

Anyways, let me know if you require any additional information, have any questions, or if there is absolutely anything I can do to help.

Also, when possible, please confirm the removal of the warning from my file.

I look forward to your response.

Thanks kindly,
*** ******

Then her’s….

Hi ***.
This is to confirm that the warning letter has been
dealt with accordingly.
Have a great day.

And now, here is what I said to umm.. clarify wtf ‘accordingly’ meant by simply restating what i wanted/needed it to mean.

Hi ***,

Thanks for justly removing the warning from my file.

I am self-assured this misunderstanding will not affect our positive relationship.

Thanks kindly,
*** ******

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