foundation of comfort

well the countdown is on and it is now less than four days until my arrival in the lower half of upper canada. the excitement inside me has begun to flare, as has, a tad bit of anxiety. for this trip, hanging out with all my old skool chums is totally key, (as is fully-completely taking my mind off of work)… the thing is, with this visit i want to maintain the freedom and flexibility i have here on the west coast – meaning that, i am not to feel defined by any preconceived notions on how i will act or behave. i think this whole obsession i have with this ‘reminder thing’ is somewhat puzzling, but anyways, i can’t help it.. i just can’t stand it when someone basically tells me my own ‘preferences’, and well the anticipation of this is enough to keep me ‘predictable’. now, i honestly don’t think that will be an issue this trip, but it does always cross my mind when entering a former environment.

anyways, with this visit i know there is something deep inside me that is craving the comfort of home – my friends, my family, my car, and all the great things that come with these. my two weeks in ontario will be great, as long as, i bring my new (slightly changed) self, take advantage of every moment and create many new experiences, based on a foundation of comfort and security.

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