a sense of direction

with this calendar year near end, i am finding it necessary to outline some new goals targets of varying magnitude… and what’s easier and more fun than accomplishing this with some, unsorted and point-form, new years resolutions… and yes, be warned, many all of these can be tagged: cliché

– become more physically active
– consume less alcohol
– develop better eating habits
– improve posture
– expand knowledge-based skill-set
– increase positive cash-flow
– optimize work/life balance
– broaden social network
– advance professionally
– strengthen soul

now, one caveat… since all of these targets are pretty much qualitative aspirations which cannot be accurately measured… this list must be viewed as a mission statement for 2006, rather than a list of promised predetermined actions.

Exercises to strengthen the soul.
-self care,
-self nurturing,
-awareness of your path,
-trust in yourself,
-greater sense of who you are,
-allow new insights flow into you about what you need,
-how much rest,
-outdoor time,
-what kinds of food,
-people time,
-what activities regenerate you,
-your thoughts,
-lifestyle that you need to live to love and nurture yourself

2005.12.30 1:40 pm


i think some of them are quantitative, for e.g. if u increase physical activity or make your diet better, you should expect to see weight loss or a smaller waistline. Decreasing alcohol consumption is also quantitative,(this may also help to increase +ve cash flow…

2006.01.08 4:11 pm

haha.. let’s just hope i don’t buy excessive amounts of delicious ice cream with all my alcohol savings… 😛

2006.01.08 4:31 pm

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