dirty old man

halloween weekend is now pretty much over now, and it was damn good. the party friday night, that tyler, enej, mitch and i went to was fucken awesome… i hadn’t been to a party like that in a while… it was in a house decorated all spooky and absolutely packed with people… everyone was dressed up, and to top it all off… it had an open bar! yes people, an open bar!!! which of course, resulted in the over-consumption of alcohol by everyone there.. anyways we’re all familiar with that… so yeah… i was just dressed up as an old man (thanks to the help of a cane, a straw hat, and a stiff walk).. however, as the night progressed an ‘old man from florida’ quickly turned into a ‘dirty old man from florida’… but hey, being in character is what brings out the best in a costume!

also, friday night i got a call from an online buddy, who i have digitally known for quite some time (think back to 6 digit icq numbers kids), but this call was actually the first time i ever talked to her. it was pretty not-awkward, so that was kool… good talking to ya crissy (and yes, this counts as ‘your blog post’)…

ohh, and i visited my tv again today… and well, it just not worth that much cash debt…

high definition analogy

so while talking to my buddy gerald today via IM, he noticed an important discovery… he was able to draw a conclusion that helps makes sense of explaining my need for having a high-quality television (…such as the 40″ Sony Bravia™ KDLV40XBR1) and well, that deduction is nothing less than a desire to use it to pickup chicks…. sounds kinda crazy at first.. but when you compare it to guys wanting a fancy car.. it starts to make sense… we all know that cars and other expensive goods do not directly connect you to women.. but they do work on another level… the confidence level… the pride level.. the level that makes us men not be wusses, to take risks to get what we want, etc. i dunno personally, i think i just want to watch tv and have a clear picture, but if it is going to help me pick up… then all the more reason to splurge… comments?

cross country voyage

well the last couple of weeks i was back home.. home being southwestern ontario.. and it was a good trip… everything just seemed to fall into place and it was like i didn’t live in vancouver for the past year…. the two weeks was fill with adventures ranging from intoxicated good times to intoxicated good times plus something else…. it was great to see all the changes in london and in everyone and i was pleased that everyone was willing to put in that little bit of effort in order to spend some time with me… now, it’s kinda cheezey but i’d like to thank everyone with a brief message found in the following unordered list:

  • dan for making it all good, always being there and for playing golf while ill;
  • jordan for visiting, stopping by and for throwing up the steamwhistle in the sink;
  • jeff for arranging the cottage, dinner at his grandparents, and driving me all around during rush-hours;
  • mark for picking me up from the airport and letting me use his powermac;
  • allison for the love, the drinks, and all the good times;
  • kelly for the tour and the ride back to delaware;
  • ryan for the organic chips and letting me watch the hockey game at his house;
  • erin for having a muffin with me;
  • rachel for having lunch with me and offering your place as a place to stay;
  • mom for paying for the trip;
  • grandma for cooking thanksgiving dinner;
  • grandpa for the encouragement to get rich;
  • sandie for coming out for the dinners;
  • dad for preping my car and paying for the repairs;
  • janet for being abnormally civil;
  • mark l for the coffees and the cell phone;
  • jenn for driving me to the airport;
  • lindsey for driving me to my moms and offering her car;
  • mike g for wearing undersized clothing;
  • mike s for coming out to party;
  • and, ummm, i hope i am not forgetting any one.. (if so please comment and tell me to fuck off and die)

anyways, i don’t know what else to say except that this trip was exactly what i needed… and it has put me back in my grove and has shown me what life could be like and what it basically should be like. now, all i need to do, is continue to build upon what i have here in vancouver, and somehow figure out how to gain the awesome friends and family i have back home.

throat discomfort

well i knew this streak of illnessless couldn’t last forever. yesterday my throat started to hurt and well.. today when i woke up, it was even worse. other than the discomfort experienced when opening my mouth or talking, i feel great, so i am hoping the tea, honey, garlic, and these anti-bacterial lozenges will do the trick, and asap, so i can goto work tomorrow and prep for my two weeks of vacation!

foundation of comfort

well the countdown is on and it is now less than four days until my arrival in the lower half of upper canada. the excitement inside me has begun to flare, as has, a tad bit of anxiety. for this trip, hanging out with all my old skool chums is totally key, (as is fully-completely taking my mind off of work)… the thing is, with this visit i want to maintain the freedom and flexibility i have here on the west coast – meaning that, i am not to feel defined by any preconceived notions on how i will act or behave. i think this whole obsession i have with this ‘reminder thing’ is somewhat puzzling, but anyways, i can’t help it.. i just can’t stand it when someone basically tells me my own ‘preferences’, and well the anticipation of this is enough to keep me ‘predictable’. now, i honestly don’t think that will be an issue this trip, but it does always cross my mind when entering a former environment.

anyways, with this visit i know there is something deep inside me that is craving the comfort of home – my friends, my family, my car, and all the great things that come with these. my two weeks in ontario will be great, as long as, i bring my new (slightly changed) self, take advantage of every moment and create many new experiences, based on a foundation of comfort and security.

tropical plants

over the past week.. i have purchased a few things for my apartment to make it seem, umm, less institutional… i’ve picked up a few tropical plants for the living room, some baskets for the bathroom and a few posters for the walls… and now.. this flat of mine feels just a tad more homier (even though i have never had plants, baskets, or posters in my home before).

enhance your calm, velkr0.

ok today i realized that i am way over worked, and there is nothing i can do to catch up, besides temporarily halt (or at least strictly limit) the addition of any new tasks. it is not that i haven’t been able to successfully switch between the many thousand tasks i do each day, or not be able to prioritize accordingly… it’s just that there are too many things that i have to do… shit, i woke up this morning, and the absolute second thing i did was make a to-do list for the day.. and looking at it right now… there are still 7 things of high priority that should have been accomplished today, but were bumped because they were not as important as the other 16. ohh, and btw, tomorrow, ‘eat lunch’ is going on my list.

now, i guess it is september and well this is a busy time for us folks in education, and combine that with the the fact i have been without a holiday (excluding the couple of days i took in july – see enjoy the ride) since last christmas!!! anyways, i am fairly confident that this excessive workload will pass within the next few weeks and then everything will be a-ok again… but for now, i’ll just have to continue to plow through the piles of sticky notes, to-do text files, and of course all those flagged emails.. and see what i can pull off besides the last few chunks of my hair.

be well.

twisted – traffic collision

call me disturbed if you must, but last week i realized that i had not seen a car accident, in full blown action, in quite some time. and guess what, this morning all my dreams came true… as a fire truck with a whole bunch of active sirens and lights cautiously approached the intersection of smithe at burrard, a motorist on burrard who was apparently dumbfounded by all the flashing and loud noises, quickly slammed on her brakes and bam… she got rear ended… it was absolutely great!!! there was not quite as much action and damage as i was craving, but either way it has helped quench my thirst for accidental automobile destruction.

also on the way home i saw the aftermath of a collision on the burrard bridge, this one wasn’t as exciting since it simply extended my bus ride 20 minutes.

clarity through questioning

as my one year anniversary of being in vancouver quickly approaches, i find myself sitting here, attempting to ponder the results of this past year. i realize that i am anxious to draw out conclusions and record them on this blog as something successfully accomplished in the past; however, that is totally not possible yet.

the results of my move to vancouver cannot be fully understood until a date somewhere way in the future. yes, i know, i’ve experienced a lot of new things in the past year, that have enabled me to do as i wish, but i also know i have missed out on a lot too, so right now, all i can do is hope i made the right decisions along the way.

hold up, let me clarify here, (more…)

yvr to yyz

well folks, the time has come to confirm my highly rumored and fervently anticipated return to the second-largest area and most populous province in canada. i’ll be arriving at yyz on september 30th and returning to yvr on october 16th… 15 whole days!! this should give me nearly enough time to visit with everyone who misses me dearly… i kinda wish i was leaving tomorrow, since i am well in need and overdue for some holidays… but oh well, before i know it, i’ll away from work… sitting in my old bedroom with my dial-up internet, and old cd collection; driving my audi 100 around on the open road; chillin’ with all my pals, catching up on the last year, sharing some drinks and laughs; enjoying thanksgiving with my family, eating some turkey, and dealing with ‘the usual’; and well, overall, having a great two weeks back home.

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