pizza, beer, people, interests, art, water

so today… was a good day… went to work for a bit, had a lunch out with all my coworkers, then some drinks with most of mycoworkers, got to know them all a little more, as well as gave them a chance to get to know me a little more… …after drinks.. me and mitch went to the VAG and saw Massive Change… it was pretty kool, just the idea of appreciating other peoples work, as well as considering their concepts and theories on how to change the world… and of course how it was all displayed so well… was kool.. i am glad i went, thanks mitch!! it’s too bad the display ends on like jan 3rd.. kuz all my visitors coming to vancouver in jan, may of enjoyed it… hehhe anyways. i am off to bed.. or least gone to watch a streaming feed of the national before my zee’s….. peace.

picture perfect

it’s amazing what an ikea lamp and a slightly over powered light bulb can do to a room… it’s so white and alive!! so today, i finally got a wiki successfully set up… not really sure why, but i have always wanted a place where i can easily toss up some content.. as well as allow others to do so too.. and i was also bored so that helped motivate me a bit… so now i am sitting here, wonder what to do next… i know i have to leave the house.. since i need to return a movie i rented the other day… and that’s a nice short walk down the hill, right by the beach… hey.. maybe i could go now.. and pick up another movie.. and watch that one tonight.. or.. i could go later…. and continue to babble here…

so it’s been over a month now in vancouver, and i am starting to feel settled.. i still need a shit load more furniture, but i am getting there. something feels right.. right now… the atmosphere in my room here is just perfect.. i am looking over at my little table, where my glass of wine resides just out of reach… it is beside my ipod, speakers, empty tea cup and a pair of tea lights… the image just looks good.. i wish i had a camera to capture it… just so i can put it in this blog and have a record of it along with this text… i also wish i had another bottle of wine, since the little amount that remains in that glass was the last bit from my only lonely bottle.

so the weekend is nearly over, and tomorrow is back to work. this is good, kuz i want to focus on work for a while. i want to get the most out of this position, and make it all that it can be. i also want to grow as an individual through this position.. by bring in my past experiences and creating many new ones… i want to challenge myself and see what i can do. now let’s just see how this week goes, since it will be very different than last week… but i have a feeling.. all will be swell.

wireless fidelity

yey wireless.. i bought a linksys wrt54g today.. and i am loving it.. it’s great to have the right tools to do stuff.. before.. our network was a total hack job.. and now it is wonderful… and secure too.. i set it up.. to use WPA Pre-Shared Key (TKIP) and I only allow specific MAC addresses to connect… i even changed the default password, which 87% of people don’t… i really don’t care about the security.. but it was so easy to implement, i thought i might as well… the hardest part of setting up this network was buying the fucken thing… the assholes at futureshop.. tried to get out of their lowest price guarantee.. but fuck it.. i am not getting into that story.. hehe.. but i did win the battle…

my phone is working now too…. kuz i can plug in my little voip box into the router!! yey.. phone and internet simultaneously!! if you are looking for a voip service.. check out and if you plan on signing up.. use my link.. since i will get some mad ongoing discounts…

anyways.. must finish laundry.. peace..


so.. something must be fucked with my mac.. it has crashed twice today.. and both times i was trying to write this blog entry.. the first time.. it was very well written and detailed… the second time.. i just hit the main points.. and now this time, the third time, it will be even shorter and less detailed than in the past… anyways… it was about a word that i learned today; ethos. this word is great, and how it was used was perfect!! when i heard it, it automatically raised my curiosity to why i was not aware of this term…. and i still don’t know why.. but i know that i will for sure use this term in the future, especially when i am trying to describe the distinctive spirit and culture of the geek community…

brief tv thoughts

i don’t know if i am becoming smarter or dumber without a television. at times like right now.. i just want to lay down and watch tv… just lay there and take what is given to me… times like this i wouldn’t even really flick back and forth.. i would find one channel.. and just sit there and absorb all that is provided to me… it’s the fact that tv does not require any energy to be enjoyed… i want to goto bed right now, since i suddenly became so tired.. but i know as soon as i lay down.. i will not be able to sleep and i will become bored… well read then.. you might suggest.. but reading is way too much energy… hmm… so i don’t really think i am missing anything from not having a tv.. maybe just the exposure to the propaganda that it provides… but that’s good.. i think… even tho i will never know if there is a new type of swiffer out…

sunday: i before e except in weird.

so today, i enjoyed the whole day walking around… first i walked from one side of kits beach (right by the pool) all around to the other side… it was kool… being on the beach… people playing with their dogs… while watching people sail, kayak, and then looking up and seeing snow on the mountains… i eventually made it all-around to granville island.. and then up to chapters on broadway… then back down.. and home… i walked from about 2 to 6… so a good four hours… i am glad i got out today.. since it was a beautiful day… not one second of rain!! now i am home… got me a bottle of wine, and a space heater… so i am set to watch a movie or doing some reading on the net… i wasn’t able to find a book at chapters that jumped out at me… i need to find some good reading material.. to read on the bus.. and in my down time… not too political and deep but kinda medium-weight non-fiction… maybe even fiction would be good… but i’d rather read something.. that i can apply to something in my life.. either my career or my ability to have deep conversations at a local coffee shop… or just something that interests me… i need to grab a library card this week… ahh the perks of working on campus… since i don’t really believe in buying books… i don’t need to own the actual paper… i am just fine with the content.. this must be tied to my connection with the www and the fact that information wants to be free!!

creative writting with a side of friends

well.. i am in bc.. and since i have been here i have not done any creative writing.. my blog has consisted nothing more than my daily activities and a synopsis of my progress… but now that i have a place, a fixed address, a stable job, a bus pass and a starbucks card.. i am ready to write again…. all i need is furniture and a bit more heat in this motherfucker and i will be set.. ohh yeah.. i also need some friends.. it would be kool to know and hang with some kool people…

update: update from hell

update: so george came by right away this morning.. and fixed the bathtub problem.. he also turned the heat on.. so lets hope tonight is a little smoother.. since i do have to work in the AM… i have also met one of my neighbours.. mainly.. kuz i guess her heat was off last nite too.. but yeah… laundry is done.. i got sheets, towels, and yeah.. ready for work tomorrow.. i’ll keep ya all posted.. peace out for now…

update from hell

so last night was like hell… well sorta the opposite, it was fucken cold as hell… heat is suppose to be included in the fucker but its old skool hot water heat.. and its on very low.. way to cold for me.. so i guess.. i am going to buy a little electrical heater thing, and pay for it when i get the electricity bill… also about 6:30 am.. the dude upstairs took a shower.. and his water remains decided to bubble up from the drain in my bath tub.. this sucked ass… first night and all these problems.. now i have george here.. fixing the drain… and i mean fixing.. or else he is not getting decembers rent.. which is now two days late :)… the drain.. must be fixed.. that is unacceptable… the heat.. on the other hand… as long as it is 70 or 72 or what ever the minimum is set by law.. then i am shit outta luck.. its my fault… for deciding to take a place with heat i can’t control.. allison did warn me about this… but i guess i don’t listen.. especially when i am with dre and he seems to not have an attention for detail at first sight… well.. at least i have internet now.. and a powerbook that heats up.. so that will keep me warm… ohh yeah.. and if i get some thick curtains.. to cover up these blinds.. and the paper thin windows.. then that should block some of the cold too.. peace out for now… must go get some coffee… i’d make some.. but i don’t have any mugs/cups.. heheh l8r

it’s win win!!

So I got the job at the University of British Columbia (UBC)!! I will be working the the Office of Learning Technology (OLT) and my title is something along the lines of ‘WebCT Training & Support Liaison’… It looks like this job will be good for me, by expanding on my experience, by challenging me, by rewarding me and of course by further developing my name in the world of academia. I am quite excited, and a little nervous, but I will be fine, once I get my familiar with everything, get my grove back and when everyone (including myself) realizes that I do know what I am doing/talking about. I will have a lot of learning to do, which will be awesome.. I get to expand my brain again and help others in the process… It’s win win!!

Now I just have to call FSlounge and tell them I am never coming back as well as call Tina (who wanted to have an interview with me this Thursday at some small internet marketing firm), that I may be in touch sometime in the future. But for now that’s all folks – I guess skill, knowledge, experience, dedication, networking and of course the support of others seems to eventually pay off. Next event: Moving Day!

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